Thursday, August 22, 2019

Parent Letter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       September 2019
Hello Parents/Guardians!

          I am so excited to be your child’s third grade teacher!  We are going to have a great year!  Below, you’ll find my rules/procedures for the class and some information on the curriculum that your child will be learning.

Positive Reinforcement/Consequences: Students receive “tickets” for completing homework, displaying good behavior, and having a classroom job.  Each student has a check register where he/she can keep track of the tickets.  The tickets can be used to buy things such as auction items, school supplies, and homework passes.  However, if students misbehave or have incomplete homework, they will have tickets taken away.  The school will also have Tiger Pride Days, which are student fun days for those who have completed homework/classwork, have good behavior, and do not have many absences. 

Homework:  Students will have homework Monday – Thursday.  Each night, students will complete a math and reading comprehension page.  These pages will coincide with what we are learning in class.  The pages need to be completed and turned in the next day.  Students will also receive 2 cursive pages each week that will be due every Friday. Students also need to be working on memorizing multiplication facts and reading books for the Book Challenge.

Math facts:  It is very important that your students know their multiplication facts quickly.  Please have them practice these each night.  There will be two timed tests each week.  These tests are part of the students’ math grade.  If they complete tests A-T, they will participate in a banana split party.

Book Challenge:  Every two weeks, the students will turn in a graphic organizer and create a Flipgrid on a book of their choice or a specified genre. Books are to be on the students’ reading level and approved by the teacher. 

Communication:  Please check ClassTag regularly for messages.  You can also email me at Please also check out our class blog at

Testing Slips:  If your child receives less than 80% on an assessment, a testing slip will be stapled to the top.  Please sign the slip, verifying that you have seen the assessment and have reviewed it with your child.  To improve the score, have your student correct the missed questions ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER, and staple it to the back of the original test.

Absences:  When your child is absent, it is his/her responsibility to complete the missing homework/assignments.

Wellness Policy:  Our school is a “healthy snack” school.  Please do not bring in cupcakes, candy, soda, etc. for birthdays.  If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday, you may bring in items such as fruit, popcorn, granola bars, pretzels, etc.  Thank you for your understanding!

Math: Includes place value; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers; fractions; geometry; and measurement and data
Reading: Includes Depth of Knowledge questioning; comprehension strategies such as making connections, predict/infer, questioning, summarizing, and visualizing
Writing: Includes use of thinking maps; narrative, informational, and opinion essays
Language Skills: Includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions
Science:  Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science
Social Studies:  Early American History, Geography

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